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Math grades studied

1 – 2

PAX Good Behavior Game — Math

Essa Rating
No. Studies
No. Students
Average Effect Size

Program Description

PAX Good Behavior Game is a behavior management approach in which students are divided into two or more teams. Teachers monitor student behavior, and when a member of a team violates class rules discussed and agreed upon by the students themselves, the student’s team receives a check mark on the whiteboard. The team that receives the fewest checkmarks, or all teams if all meet a set criterion, receive a small privilege, such as the opportunity to line up first for recess. This group contingency is intended to create a situation in which students encourage and assist their peers to behave appropriately. The Good Behavior Game has existed for many years, but PAX Good Behavior Game is a commercial version that is very widely used in the U.S. and elsewhere. PAX Good Behavior Game provides onsite training by experienced therapists, plus manuals, timers, and auxiliary materials. Parents also receive manuals to help them use similar methods at home.

Program Outcomes

PAX Good Behavior Game was evaluated in one qualifying study with math as an outcome. This study took place in a county in Ohio. Students in classes that received PAX Good Behavior Game achieved higher scores that those in matched control classes. The effect size was +0.32. This qualified PAX Good Behavior Game for the ESSA “Moderate” category. Note that positive effects were also found in reading.

Professional Development/Training

$2900 for 40 people for 1-day, on-site training for implementing PAX Good Behavior Game®


Can be used on any computer with internet access,  and even offline