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Reading grades studied



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Program Description

Edgenuity’s Pathblazer is a supplemental, online intervention program that helps struggling learners in grades K–8 achieve grade-level proficiency in mathematics and reading. Pathblazer offers students individualized learning progression paths with content that addresses skill and concept gaps. Using existing student data or results from a screener, Pathblazer immediately identifies where students are struggling and provides the targeted instruction they need to close early learning gaps. The instruction in math and reading is designed to help engage students, accelerate them to grade-level mastery, and increase student self-efficacy in learning. All lessons are built around a gradual release instructional model of explicit instruction, supported practice, independent practice, and assessments. The data Pathblazer collects as students complete their work also help teachers monitor student progress and adapt their instruction. Intervention reports in Pathblazer track student progress toward standards mastery, inform small-group instruction, and help teachers plan for one-on-one time with students.

Program Outcomes

A cluster randomized controlled trial of Pathblazer was conducted over one semester during the 2019–2020 school year in Floyd County, Georgia. For six public elementary schools, approximately half of each 3rd through 5th grade teacher’s classes were randomly assigned to participate in the reading component of Pathblazer, and the remaining half were assigned to the control group. Pathblazer was used for approximately 60 minutes per week for 20 weeks. Pathblazer had a positive and statistically significant impact on student reading achievement in winter, controlling for fall achievement, other student characteristics, and classroom and teacher effects. More specifically, students who participated in Pathblazer outperformed control students on the NWEA Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Growth in reading (effect size = +0.07), qualifying Pathblazer for an ESSA “Strong” rating.

Staffing Requirements

No additional staff beyond the classroom teacher needed to implement the program

Professional Development/Training

1 day in-person training prior to program adoption, followed by ½ day off-site training after short period of Pathblazer use


Technology requirements can be found on the website: