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1 – 6

Exemplary Center for Reading Instruction (ECRI)

Essa Rating
No. Studies
No. Students
Average Effect Size

Program Description

The Exemplary Center for Reading Instruction (ECRI) uses scripted, direct instruction to teach reading using a pattern of model, prompt, diagnose, correct, and assign guided and independent practice. In the qualifying study, paraprofessionals taught ECRI to struggling readers in small groups as Tier 2 teaching.

Program Outcomes

In a small study, students in ECRI were compared to control groups on KTEA-II. The effect size was +0.74, which qualified ECRI for the ESSA “Strong” category.

Staffing Requirements

One teacher for a typical class size of 20-25 students.

Professional Development/Training

ECRI seminars provide educators with a knowledge and ability to teach vocabulary, literal, interpretative, critical, and creative comprehension, study skills, and multiple reading strategies. Seminar participants are provided DVDs and ECRI scripted texts.

5-10 days, eight hours a day, one trainer for 25-30 educators


Typical projection requirements for participants to see and hear trainer well.