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2 – 5

Achieve3000 — Elementary (KidBiz3000)

Essa Rating
No. Studies
No. Students
Average Effect Size

Program Description

Achieve3000 offers digital, supplemental literacy programs for grades 2-12 and includes differentiated content to build student fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, and writing across content areas. The student instructional routine is designed to build key literacy capacities and college and career level critical thinking skills. Achieve3000 has three different program options for students, depending on their grade level. Students in grades PreK-2 use Smarty Ants. In grades 2–5, students use KidBiz3000. Students in grades 6–8, use TeenBiz3000, and those in grades 9–12 use Empower3000.

Program Outcomes

One small evaluation of Achieve3000 found positive effects on the SRI but not Terra Nova (average effect size = +0.16). According to ESSA Evidence Standards, this one study qualifies Achieve 3000 for the “Promising” category. However, one additional small study and a very large study found no differences, and the average effect size across all studies was 0.00.

Professional Development/Training

Achieve3000 works with each customer to develop a plan that identifies the targeted students and outlines professional development and implementation services.


Achieve3000 requires student individual use of a laptop, workstation, Chromebook, or mobile device (such as a tablet) for each lesson. It is not necessary to install the Achieve3000 program itself on the device. However, apps are offered for Windows, Macs, Chromebooks, iPads, and Android mobile devices for students to use Achieve3000 away from school.